With winter fading in the mountains, I decided to go to the Big Four Ice Caves for some snowshoeing. I headed up to Mountain Loop Highway for an easy track to follow. To my surprise the road was plowed the highway, and yet the gate still remained locked. Undeterred, I headed out walking along the highway.
While I was disappointed that the highway had been plowed I was excited to sit below Big Four Mountain and eat some lunch. Unfortunately, I had to share the road with dump trucks, snowplows, and other county vehicles throughout the day. If the road looks plowed, I would not recommend continuing on foot.
Luckily I made it to the Big Four picnic area unscathed, and was excited to see a fair amount of snow. After putting on my snowshoes and walking over to a picnic table, I saw a small avalanche cascading down the face of Big Four mountain while eating some g.o.r.p. An awesome sight, but hearing the crackle of other avalanches throughout the day was a little unnerving as I approached the ice caves.
During the summer this area around the Big Four Ice caves is dangerous enough. If you choose to go closer to the caves during the winter, be sure to bring extra caution along. It should be noted that visiting the actual Big Four Ice Caves during the winter is dangerous and should only be attempted by those with training in travel through avalanche terrain and avalanche rescue. If you are able to follow the trail towards the ice caves, then you can stop where it warns that you are entering avalanche terrain.
Above the avalanche area signs, there lies a small hill marked on green trail map No. 110 as “viewpoint”, this is where I stopped. It provided a decent view of where the caves will be in 2 months, and a nice glimpse of some waterfalls starting to build on the mountain’s face. But the journey through the woods also provided a much more interesting walk than plowed Mountain Loop Highway.
The Big Four Ice Caves Snowshoe trail is easy, and provided there’s still snow on the highway, it is a great first snowshoe trip with kids or people new to the sport. The road is all but level beyond the gate, and if you go on a weekday than you might find some nice solitude (I saw no other hikers all day). How far you go beyond the picnic area depends on your skill and comfort level. Certainly I will be returning here next year while the highway is still blanketed in white.

After my last try at the Big Four Ice Caves snowshoe, I thought I should return and experience it while there was actual snow on the ground. The road was busy with people sledding at the deer creek road and others making the trek to the ice caves. We were lucky to locate a parking spot. Make sure to come early if possible. The roadway parking fills up fast on a sunny winter day.
Mountain Loop Highway was covered in hard-packed ice with icy-snow in places. I was surprised to see a multitude of people walking to the big four ice caves in boots. Didn’t seem like the safest idea but to each his own. Whether the road is hard-packed or not I would recommend having micro-spikes at least. Slipping and hitting your head is no joke.
The Big Four picnic area was well covered in snow. However, the covered area with tables was accessible and made a memorable place to stop and take in the views with a nice warm cup of cider and rum. While we were sitting enjoying a brew, 3 Stellar Jays decided to stop and visit us. This made for one of those rare close-up photo opportunities with Washington’s wildlife.
The Big Four Ice Caves snowshoe is as straightforward as cascade snowshoeing is ever going to get. It’s easy enough for the whole family, but, still provides some resplendent views. The snowshoe made for a great day and would be a great trip for all ages. I even saw 2 or 3 people pulling their kids in a sled behind them.
Depending on who is in your group and the conditions for the year, you can get close to the actual ice caves. I was able to make it to the viewpoint of them at this time that I went there. Be careful and don’t get to close, the Ice caves are prone to collapse and can be extremely dangerous

After weeks of bad weather, Elena and I both needed a boost from nature. Despite yet another day of low clouds, possible rain, and predicted snow, we decided to head for an easy snowshoe. Long one of my favorites for an easy day out, we headed for the deer creek gate to snowshoe up to the Big Four Ice Caves.
Even though it had been snowing most of the week consistently, the road was well-packed by previous travelers when we arrived. We debated whether or not to carry our snowshoes or leave them in the car but ultimately decided to keep them strapped to our packs just in case.
All the way up to the parking lot was easy to walk without microspikes or snowshoes on. It only took us around 30 minutes to arrive at the summer parking area in boots. Despite the cloud cover for the day, Big four Mountain still has this awe-inspiring imposing feeling. After my climb of the peak less than a year ago, it will always have a different mystique. The route to the summit of Big Four Mountain via The Dry Creek Route is a terrifying feat that took me several years. One I will not soon repeat.
From the summer parking for Big Four Ice Caves, the trail was still so well-packed that we could continue along the route toward the bridge without putting on our snowshoes. I don’t know when, but apparently, the bridge over the North Fork Sauk was replaced. I was overjoyed to actually be able to access the Big Four Ice caves by snowshoe for the first time in several years.
All the way up to the actual site of the caves was still well packed. The only place we actually put the snowshoes on was to get a closer look at the mouth of the caves. If you choose to get any closer the the first viewpoint take care to give the caves a safe distance.