Location: Washington

Cashmere Mountain

mount cashmere from ridge line

A long hike and scramble to attain the summit of a Washington’s Mount Cashmere If you can get the permits, make it two days. One is tough.

Cannon Mountain

cannon mountain enchantments leavenworth

Cannon Mountain is one of the least interesting of the Bulgers. Simple climb, excellent view

Cadet Peak

cadet peak summit shot

The climb of Cadet Peak mostly requires physical stamina. Tall and steep it is the highest of the Monte Cristo Range.

Black Peak

Black Peak Ridge Line Scramble

Come to Black Peak for the 17th tallest peak in Washington. Prepare for the final ridge walk, its a doozy.

Big and West Craggy

West Craggy Summit gully

While they may not be some of the hardest in Washington’s top 100, Big Craggy and West Craggy are a challenging one day adventure.

Baring Mountain

Baring Mountain

Mount Baring is one of those obscure scrambles in Washington’s central cascades. Be ready to grind it out

Abernathy Peak

Abernathy Peak From Ridge Line

Many call Abernathy peak the easiest of the Bulger Peaks. That does not make it an easy climb. Especially during a heat wave like when I decided to take it on.