Crater Lake West Rim climb2climb | December 26, 2022 A quick snowshoe along the west rim of Crater Lake from Steel visitor center. Nice easy walk with some outstanding views.
Mt. Hood – Leuthold Couloir climb2climb | March 13, 2022 Leuthold Couloir is the next step up from the pearly gates climbing route on Mount Hood.
Mount Hood – Pearly Gates climb2climb | March 11, 2022 The Pearly Gates Route on Mt Hood is considered the standard approach. It still requires some skill on ice.
Mount Jefferson climb2climb | March 7, 2022 Climbing Mt Jefferson via the southwest ridge is the easiest route to accomplish in one day. It will require route-finding and alpine skills.
South Sister climb2climb | March 7, 2022 The Climb of South Sister in Oregon felt very similar to Mount St Helens. It is a well-cut low-grade climb on a lot of scree and snow.
Broken Top climb2climb | March 7, 2022 The climb of Broken Top has been on my list since standing on top of South Sister Last Summer. Most of it is easy, until the last 200 feet.